What Is a "Clinical Round"?
A "Clinical Round" is a teaching format for patient case reviews and lab testing assessment. This type of format is commonly used in medical conferences and teaching hospitals to highlight a specific disorder, diagnostic tests or treatment modalities.
Who is Functional Medicine Clinical Rounds For?
Functional Medicine Clinical Rounds is for licensed and certified health care professionals in need of a mentor who can assist in functional and integrative medicine protocols, therapies, testing and troubleshooting.

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Get One-On One Consulting with our Expert Physicians, A Regularly Updated Video Library including Case Studies, Lab Reviews, Clinical Pearls, and Research Articles, Plus a Community Forum--all Focused on Functional Medicine.

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Functional Medicine Expert Physicians!

Our phone consulting service is like a mentoring program for functional medicine.
Speak with our doctors about case studies, lab test reviews, troubleshooting, protocols and much more!
Functional Medicine Content & Consulting Topics Include:
- Adrenal & hormone dysfunction
- Autism-spectrum disorders
- Autoimmune diseases
- Blood sugar imbalances
- Cardiovascular
- Chemical toxicity
- Chronic fatigue & fibromyalgia
- Chronic digestive problems
- Endocrine problems
- Heavy metals
- Hypothyroidism
- Inflammatory bowel disease
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- Mental health disorders
- Mold toxicity
- Neurological disorders
- Oxalate toxicity
- Sleep disorder
- Small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO)
- …and much more
Our 24/7 Private Q&A Community Forum
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Allows You To Ask Questions Any Time!
Samples From The Q&A Community Forum:
In addition to the educational information obtained through FMCR, one-on-one access to the doctors for lab reviews and clinical troubleshooting, course discounts, etc. you can have ongoing access through our interactive forum. Listed below are the various question categories found through FMCR and an example of a member question and doctor response.
This question is about timing of a Dried Blood Spot (DBS) test. I recently took over a case from a naturopath. A 48-year old woman with a history of childhood and adult trauma, non-Hashimoto's hypothyroidism (since age 43), and early menopause in the wake of a ruptured ectopic pregnancy (age 39). She has been on hormone replacement therapy for the last 6 years, most recently taking Bi Est transdermal (80/20) 0.8 mg for 2 days on, 1 day off; Testosterone transdermal 0.125 mg for 2 days on, 1 day off; and oral Progesterone 50 mg qhs. Recently she has varied both her transdermals from every other day to every third day, in response to acne or emotional overwhelm. I suspect she is over-treated and want to get an accurate read on her hormonal status before making any changes. She's also on Liothyroinine 5 mcg qd, which has been stable. If she plans to do her DBS first thing in the morning (which is fine for the Progesterone), how and when should she take the two transdermal products in relation to the DBS? And I assume she should do the DBS before she takes her morning Liothyronine?
“My recommendation would be for her to use her hormones the day before she does her DBS collection. She can keep her progesterone dosing the same as it is taken in the evening. Her Bi-Est and Testosterone are taken every third day which is very low dosing but seems to be her norm. Because her dosing is so spread out, having her use her hormones the morning of the day before she collects her DBS will be more representative of what her levels may look like on the days when she doesn’t supplement. I suspect that she is under-supplemented given the dosage of the hormones and the frequency of dosing.
Yes, it would be advisable to take her thyroid hormone after she collects her DBS. Some recommend that thyroid dosing before doing thyroid testing should be done the night before to get a better read on the effect of supplemention, but it seems she is stable for thyroid management so I would keep her dosing as is. I think it is important really determine premature ovarian failure in this woman. The dosing of her hormones is low compared to what most menopausal women need to control symptoms. If she is reacting to the low dosing that she is on, she may still have some endogenous production of hormones.”
– Dr. Tracy Tranchitella
"I have a 48-year old female with fatigue and some low thyroid symptoms along with a 9 mm thyroid cyst, ‘normal’ TSH and T4, thyroid peroxidase at 10, but ultrasound shows some calcification around the rim. Besides the ‘wait 3 months and retest’ recommendation, how would you proceed?"
“It’s known that calcifications can be associated with thyroid cancer, but not all calcified thyroid nodules are cancerous. Calcification can occur from inflammation and iodine deficiency. The TPO at 10 looks as though Hashimoto’s is not the cause of low thyroid, although an anti-thyroid antibody (anti-thyroglobulin) can be done too. Internal thyroid calcifications can be from oxalate crystals, but these develop in the follicle of the thyroid. I would suggest doing a more complete thyroid test by adding in Free T4, Free T3 and Reverse T3. Just having a normal T4 doesn’t show what the conversion to T3 is doing. Also, look at an Organic Acids Test (OAT) for other information related to fatigue, e.g. mitochondrial dysfunction, but also oxalic acid.”
– Dr. Kurt Woeller
Our Doctors Interpret Laboratory Tests From These Companies:

Both Dr. Tranchitella and Dr. Woeller have years of experience in helping health practitioners with laboratory test interpretation and clinical correlation. They both provided functional medicine Lab Advising for many years with BioHealth Laboratory with Dr. Tranchitella being heavily involved with sex hormone testing, digestive system, SIBO and adrenal profile interpretation.
Dr. Woeller has done previous work with Great Plains Laboratory as a Lab Advisor for their menu of tests, including the Organic Acids Test, MycoTOX profile, environmental chemical and heavy metal test and more. The list of functional and integrative medicine lab companies are those that the doctors have either personally used in their private practice and/or provided lab interpretation assistance with.
- Cyrex
- Doctor's Data
- Genova
- Great Plains Laboratory
- Iliad Neuroscience
- Mito Swab
- Moleculera (Cunningham Panel)
- Vibrant Wellness

Meet Your Hosts & Consultants...
Kurt N. Woeller, D.O., a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine, is a functional and integrative medicine physician with over two decades of clinical experience in chronic health problems, including autism, autoimmune, gastrointestinal and neurological disorders. His autism practice alone is international and the successful implementation of his four-pillar approach to functional and integrative medicine by people worldwide is well known.
He is The Author of Several Integrative Health Books:
-Autism – The Road To Recovery.
-Methyl-B12 For Autism.
-7 Facts You Need To Know About Autism.
-Methyl-B12 and Methylation Therapy for Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia.
-Things You MUST Do To Treat Your Rheumatoid Arthritis (co-authored with Tracy Tranchitella, N.D.).
Dr. Woeller is an internationally recognized lecturer and educator on functional and integrative medicine having spoken throughout North America, as well as Asia, Europe, Mexico, United Kingdom and Central America. Dr. Woeller developed the curriculum and teaches the Organic Acids Test seminar from Great Plains Laboratory.
He provides health practitioner education through Integrative Medicine Academy an online resource for educational information on integrative medicine topics. He also runs Autism Recovery System, an online resource for parents of autism-spectrum individuals.
Dr. Woeller served as a Lab Advisor for BioHealth Laboratory for over 10 years and is currently a clinical educator for Great Plains Laboratory, providing informational webinars on a host integrative medicine topics.
He is on the Integrative Medicine for Mental Health (IMMH) Scientific Advisory Panel and is a member of the American Osteopathic Association (AOA).
Kurt N. Woeller, D.O., Co-Founder of Integrative Medicine Academy

Tracy Tranchitella, N.D., a 1998 graduate of Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine, is a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine and a functional and integrative medicine physician with over twenty years clinical experience with an emphasis in autoimmune disorders, small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), inflammatory bowel disease and other chronic digestive problems.
She also provides health consultations for patients and doctors related to functional medicine approaches for cardiovascular disease, chronic fatigue, bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT), thyroid and hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) dysfunction.
Dr. Tranchitella currently works as a clinical writer for ZRT Laboratories and previously as a lab advisor for BioHealth Laboratory where she provided doctors and allied health professionals laboratory interpretation and clinical troubleshooting consultations on various integrative medicine lab tests.
She is an author, educator and co-founder of Integrative Medicine Academy, an online resource for health professionals seeking educational information regarding integrative medicine.
Tracy Tranchitella, N.D., Co-Founder of Integrative Medicine Academy
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